Time lapses are the most preferred because they allow you to record for time-lapse for however long you want. Other than this, iPhones will always compress your time-lapse down to anywhere between 20 and 40 seconds. In most cases, iPhones will hit the 30-second mark.

You can get the option for trimming your time-lapse video by clicking the editing icon, go to the three stars at the top and click iMovie. Also, this is the right step to follow if you want to add some filters to your time-lapse video. This step allows you to do some simple editing and then import it to your actual app. However, in this post, you’ll get tips on how to add music to your time-lapse video without putting it into your app.

Now go the music icon and add your music. Remember, you can work with iTunes subscriptions, but it works excellent if you have actual music on your phone.

The exciting thing is that you can now add royalty-free music to your time-lapse video. You only need to go to the soundtrack and choose the best royalty-free music that sounds amazing.

You can also download some music if you have little cloud icons. You’ll even realize that they have categorized some of the music to play full. However, the main thing here is to choose the music that sounds best to you.

After getting your favorite music, press the + button, move it along, click done, and the movie will then get exported. Click ‘done,’ and now you’ll have some music on your time-lapse video. And that’s how simple it is!